he transfiguration of the Christ Logos stands for the unification of individuality or personhood of the temporal expression, into the eternal Self. The word Logos here means the divine principle of creation, in its singularity.
The transfiguration, radiant with glory, is also known as the metamorphosis. In Christian teachings, the transfiguration is a pivotal moment, where human nature meets the Godstate, uniting the temporal and the eternal, with the Christ Logos acting as a bridge.
The God-Being, Yeshua the Christ, became the whole continuum of light, from the visible light to the invisible light. The Transfiguration at Mount Tabor was the initiation of Yeshua into God-Being, him entering into his divine condition (Matthew 17:1-8).
This convergence by which way we are infused by the same light as the eternal sun which is the Godsource, has its access point in the Higher Heart (or the thymus chakra), between the heart and the throat. This point functions as a prism, breaking the light of the infinite into individuality. At the heart of the prism, where the light of the Godsource is entering into the being, is where the light fractures and disperses into infinite rays, projecting outwards into the phenomenal world. This is seen as the heart of Christ, which is often depicted as the sacred heart or the holy heart.
When all those fractals or rays are being withdrawn and consciously retracted back into itself, a restoration of the primordial energy takes place, a resurrection of the source codes of the soul as light. This is also sometimes called the restoration of the Golden liquid light. Instead of the dispersion into endless outward motion, there is a return back into oneself, back into wholeness, returning into GodSource.
From there on conscious creation starts a whole new cycle, because from then on ‘you’ are no longer bound nor limited by the dispersal of energy into timespace possibilities.
In The Bhagavad Gita is found a similar display of the brilliance of man’s divine nature when Krishna, in speaking with Arjuna, expresses his Being as a ‘fiery sun blazing in every direction’ (11:17). Krishna describes the light as ‘Behold the entire cosmos turning within my body’ (11:7).