• You are your own source
    A wellspring of your Self
    An outpouring dream 
    As waters of bodies
    Become the cup from which you drink
    Full of all that is forever you
    The ambrosia from which you sip
    Eternity swallowed by one day

    This garden is your ground
    Where seedlings unfurl and twist around
    Twist around, stakes and vines climb up
    Losely widening what is unbound 
    Travelling sunward, The I, and I alone.
    Sprouting softly shimmer tender
    Have you not seen, how all opens on its own?
    Little pieces of everywhere linger and wait

    For a tide drawing back into itself 
    Towards the place to which you thirst
    Absent of ties and free of past days
    Gliding out forth, flight by night
    Leaving the house to enter your home
    Ways winged to where all of you resides
    You are here, light ahead 
    Your own source of free and might

  • Resounding through stillness
    An echo quietly stirs
    A pulse ripples into stream
    Within the harmonics of the unspoken
    Octaves tremble out of the unseen

    Whispers from before unfold
    A Symphony woven in between
    Heard only in the silence untold
    From a single tune is born
    A current, a string of waves

    A chorus of souls, intertwined
    Humming threads stitched into weave
    Underneath a stem of tone
    Rising deep recalls of home received
    In melody untouched, yet deeply known

    A song plays 
    Your sacred name

  • Do not deny what is written for you by dwelling in its absence

    There is something wanting to be explored so eagerly that it can no longer be contained

    Something that seeks to exist beyond you

    With your hands so full, how can you grab the hand held out to you? 

    An egg does not resist the hatching of the birdling cracking its shell

    Let the pieces fall out of your open hands

    Welcoming the unmaking of that which is not yours

    Make your heart the most gracious host

    In prepare of the arrival of the beloved guest

    Finding belonging in the readiness

    Of your sincere invitation

  • Waste as much time 
    as you possibly can 
    Staring at the morning light
    Forgetting yourself in the nothing
    Letting your coffee get cold
    Gently returning from the other world
    Where you have wandered last night
    Gazing out without a plan
    Doing nothing but dwell behind
    In that magical space of delight
    Of twilight in between
    Waking and asleep 
    Let your coffee get cold again
    Waste perfectly timed
    In the dreamy deep
    Of the Don’t Mind

  • The closest kind of gentle touch
    on skin, softly holding your own hand 
    In love for Self from Self 
    we bathe, dissolving
    the body eases in and blends
    melting into deep relief

    In rest restored 
    anointed by slow repose 
    we marinade in loves making to itself
    Savouring the hearts inhale
    a softening of senses full
    cherished in one's own embrace
    of taste of sweet surrendered
    a tender chill gives in
    as whole

  • Cease trying and drop into rest,
    relax in the sacred undoing
    where the era of will and wanting ends.
    All your unfulfilled desires 
    are still lingering above you
    lost in mazes of thick and misty greys
    somewhere out of love
    awaiting to be cradled or be crushed
    with a swift slingshot of your mind's eye
    and a loving heart
    wanting nothing but to open right now
    and handing you over to life's aid.
    Real freedom does not need freeing
    in a desireless state, unattached, 
    is where creation becomes play.
    A hue of “what if” appears ahead as
    trusting something you once knew
    Suddenly you stop, wonder and see
    the pendulum starting to sway
    from potential to possible, a cliff,
    edges dissolve, spilling into the new,
    sun on your face, slight breeze 
    the weightless way, takes off
    a freefall into faith

  • What is not understood is mostly feared
    The story of greatness tells us
    About how the world can be so unwelcoming
    To you, and to anything
    To be outside of the usual
    That it actually perceives to be more true
    And terrifyingly beautiful

    So do not let the world
    Push you into places
    Where your light cannot be seen
    Where your beauty can’t be shown
    Where you feel you have to remain
    Burying yourself in solid black soil
    Hiding deep down mountainous terrain

    Ignorance loves only what seems known
    So don’t worry about the world
    And being feared as were the gods
    Allow yourself to be found
    In the grand liberty of madness
    By a solitary wanderer
    Resting on your burial mound

  • Why do you believe
    you need protection or a shield?
    Truth is your only armour
    A solar disc that spins untouched
    targetless from arrows beyond reach.

    Only a Saint has the courage to slay 
    by a swift thrust of double edged blade
    the hungry ghosts
    of smallness’ false deceit

    Power meets self mastery
    by inner knowing unopposed
    where all is warmly laughed at
    and armours obsolete.

  • In the quiet and unsaid

    All truth rests undisturbed

    The silent songs of heavens

    Whir in absence of the word

    When all the noises dim

    A language felt by senses

    Speaks of love unheard

    Heart strings tuning in accord

    A silent satin hymn

  • Do not resist exhaling
    Let things fail and fall apart
    Allowing breaking to be done
    Do not turn and overstep Gods plan
    Fighting chaos empty handed
    From the threshold where you stand

    Do not try to fix and mend
    Your cycle of completion
    In the turning of the change
    Of what was meant to end
    Do not refuse the leaving
    Of what is ready to depart 

    In order to become again
    Let loose of holding on
    Give away all you can
    And do not waste your heart
    On being someone
    You do not wish to love

  • Not all roads are meant to be walked
    Not all ways are meant to be explored
    You were never meant to know
    Allow yourself to be slowly moved
    By the quiet in your soul
    Gesturing you gently
    To pursue a lovers court
    Inviting you to join into
    That sacred dance amidst
    The familiar and the new

  • Never visit the same lands twice
    never go back to the same place
    keep the fires burning relentlessly
    stoking up the flames
    gift yourself a bonfire
    of all your ruins and remains
    throw in all your dust and dented dreams
    while all is set on high ablaze
    stories of storms that wrecked your life
    plans filled with travels never made
    your collected piles of pictures
    of lovers that left or left behind
    the names of ones that wronged you
    mentioned endlessly on repeat
    times when no one came to rescue
    you from the hoarding of your mind
    burdened by stocks of souvenirs
    leave all your questions of what if instead
    ignite your fire and stir up the heat
    walk away from your regret
    choose another road from here
    never go back to the same place again
    because all has changed since then
    and so have you my dear

  • Life does not ask you to explain
    about what wanders you have made
    so in return cease asking
    why every thing is happening

    Let yourself pause in blank space
    there are no reasons and no blame
    in the realm of everlasting source
    all is causeless and the same

    No answer stays around for long
    another question will arise
    in the rummage of your mind
    exhausted of the seeking why

    Entrust to mysteries unwind
    in embrace of all undone
    without motives or a destiny
    You are always free to fly

  • When whispers of the ancient tales foretold
    Unravel and untie
    The veil thins of what one beholds
    Revealing that which can’t be seen
    By closed hearts and closed mind's eye

  • Once you see
    You are the Weaver
    Of your own veil
    Everything becomes illumed

  • You are not here to forget yourself
    and copy paste what’s long been done
    There is no honour is self sacrifice
    and in postponing your own song 
    Go in to wild and unpaved roads
    and learn to love your ways alone
    Follow your deepest longing fiercely
    that God has planted in your soul
    For you’ll never find a home of your own
    wandering outside of that seeds belonging