You are your own source
A wellspring of your Self
An outpouring dream 
As waters of bodies
Become the cup from which you drink
Full of all that is forever you
The ambrosia from which you sip
Eternity swallowed by one day

This garden is your ground
Where seedlings unfurl and twist around
Twist around, stakes and vines climb up
Losely widening what is unbound 
Travelling sunward, The I, and I alone.
Sprouting softly shimmer tender
Have you not seen, how all opens on its own?
Little pieces of everywhere linger and wait

For a tide drawing back into itself 
Towards the place to which you thirst
Absent of ties and free of past days
Gliding out forth, flight by night
Leaving the house to enter your home
Ways winged to where all of you resides
You are here, light ahead 
Your own source of free and might